
Assingnment#1 I'm going to place anytime.

I'm always going to school. I'm go to JAMBO KARAOKE HIROBA after school.
Because There is part-time job place and Ilike karaoke.
And,I go to first food shop in kyoubashi every Tue.
Becase I talk with my friend.
Sometime, I go to park at night in Hanaten.
Because I feel at ease.

3 件のコメント:

noi さんのコメント...

Hi!Shizuka. Your psrt-time job is interesting. I think it is congenial work for you.
Let's go karaoke together again!!

YURI さんのコメント...

I like karaoke too.
Let's go karaoke together!!

★にィ‐に☆ さんのコメント...

I like karaoke too.
I want to go karaoke wiz U.